CASE STUDY: Community Histories and Conflict (Colombia)
Envisioning sustainable peace in Colombia through community story-telling
The Truth Commission in Colombia was established with a 3-year mandate in 2018 in an effort to contribute to sustainable peace in a country wracked by conflict. VivaVoz was established help community storytellers collect and share stories. They sought a solution that:
- Expanded engagement in the process by inviting more people and communities to share their vision of peace
- Invited people all over the country to participate by telling stories
- Helped to change narratives about the conflict in ways that could inspire lasting peace
Memria provided the following tools to help VivaVoz collect and distribute community stories:
- Web-based platform for collecting, reviewing and sharing stories
- Story Booth setup to help with collection in remote areas
- Audio clips extracted from stories, that the FBL team edited into a podcast
- radio-ready podcasts to be shared through multiple community radion stations
- CASE STUDY: Feedback SummitA very “meta” problem of getting feedback about the feedback movement
The Feedback Labs team was looking for a way to collect feedback and experiences from the attendees of their annual Feedback Summit. They sought a solution that:
- had more nuance and more of a “human element” than a survey would provide
- would allow them to collect audio recordings and photos from participants, both during and after the event
- would enable easy sharing and distribution of the audio feedback to the community post-summit
Memria provided the following tools to help FBL collect and distribute their “feedback stories”:
- Web-based platform for collecting, reviewing and sharing stories
- Story Booth setup at the conference
- “Roving Reporter” Chromebook that was used to collect stories “interview-style” at the reception and during breaks by FBL staff
- Story widget that the FBL team embedded into the post-summit blog post
- Audio clips extracted from stories, that the FBL team edited into a podcast
Click the PLAY button above to listen to John Corrigan's feedback story, one of the stories embedded into the Summit “highlights” blog post, using the Memria mini player.
CASE STUDY: I Defend Rights
Collecting and sharing stories of Human Rights Defenders around the world, leading up to the the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I Defend Rights, a global human rights project, needed a way to create and share a global archive of hundreds of stories from people all over the world, in multiple languages, in a fairly short period of time. They sought a solution that:
- was available in English, Spanish and French
- was easy enough to use by people who have a computer but are not necessarily regular users of technology
- provided a dashboard that allowed project managers to easily review, publish and share a large number of stories
Memria provided the following tools to help I Defend Rights collect and distribute their stories of human rights defenders:
- Web-based platform for collecting, reviewing and sharing stories
- A dedicated project page where the collection of stories in each language could be viewed (see English, Spanish, and French stories)
- Story Booth setup at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit in Paris
- “Roving Reporter” Chromebook that was used to collect stories “interview-style” throughout the summit
- Story widget that the I Defend Rights team could use to embed published stories on their own website
© 2021