ViVaVoz (Colombia)
Community history and truth-telling with the Colombian Truth Commission
Memria has been working with the social dialogue team of the Truth Commission in Colombia (La Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición, or CEV) to collect, curate, and share community histories focused on non-repetition, reconciliation, and peace.
Blog series on transitional justice
Memria's founder, Louis Bickford, writes about dealing with the past through transitional justice.
Community and catharsis through storytelling
The Covid Story Project is a storytelling platform for anyone to share their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic through short (2-4 minute) audio recordings. During this unique time in our history, we want to hear the quirky, uplifting, surreal, honest, and everyday moments we're all experiencing.
© 2021