CASE STUDY: Community Histories and Conflict (Colombia)
Envisioning sustainable peace in Colombia through community story-telling
The Truth Commission in Colombia was established with a 3-year mandate in 2018 in an effort to contribute to sustainable peace in a country wracked by conflict. VivaVoz was established help community storytellers collect and share stories. They sought a solution that:
- Expanded engagement in the process by inviting more people and communities to share their vision of peace
- Invited people all over the country to participate by telling stories
- Helped to change narratives about the conflict in ways that could inspire lasting peace
Memria provided the following tools to help VivaVoz collect and distribute community stories:
- Web-based platform for collecting, reviewing and sharing stories
- Story Booth setup to help with collection in remote areas
- Audio clips extracted from stories, that the FBL team edited into a podcast
- radio-ready podcasts to be shared through multiple community radion stations
- CASE STUDY: Feedback SummitA very “meta” problem of getting feedback about the feedback movement
The Feedback Labs team was looking for a way to collect feedback and experiences from the attendees of their annual Feedback Summit. They sought a solution that:
- had more nuance and more of a “human element” than a survey would provide
- would allow them to collect audio recordings and photos from participants, both during and after the event
- would enable easy sharing and distribution of the audio feedback to the community post-summit
Memria provided the following tools to help FBL collect and distribute their “feedback stories”:
- Web-based platform for collecting, reviewing and sharing stories
- Story Booth setup at the conference
- “Roving Reporter” Chromebook that was used to collect stories “interview-style” at the reception and during breaks by FBL staff
- Story widget that the FBL team embedded into the post-summit blog post
- Audio clips extracted from stories, that the FBL team edited into a podcast
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